Friday . 28   Mar . 2025

Indian Forestry Abstracts

Indian Forestry Abstracts (IFA) is a venture of Library Department of Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI) to present a comprehensive bibliography of current forestry literature published in India, along with an abstract for each citation.

No such abstracting service exists for Indian forestry literature, although International ones like Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau Information system (CABI), AGRIS (FAO) and AGRICOLA (USDA) are widely consulted. With due respect to the international abstracting services, it must be noted that they do not adequately cover Indian forestry literature. Nearly 60% of Indian forestry research is unnoticed and hence lost from world forestry research. A large country like India, with its unique forest types and practices need a country specific listing of research publications to make them more inclusive of Indian forestry, Indian institutions and independent researchers working in India.

The purpose of IFA is to ensure that Indian publications get their due attention from the national and international academic community. IFA is an endeavour to reach Indian forestry research to a wider national and international audience.

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18200 Titles 2000 Sources
Last Updation: 1 Jan 2024 .
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Current Editor

Dr. K F George
Senior Scientist, Department of Library & Informationm, KFRI, Peechi.

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